Friday 25 July, 2008

Wielding the juggernaut - circus over, challenge begins

Now that the nuke deal is nearly initialed on the dotted line, one begins to feel twinges of misapprehension. Have you come across tales of a couple awaiting a baby for years and years, and then when the son turned out to be a blackguard of the first water, wishing they hadn't hoped for his birth. You begin to fathom what I am trying to hint?

There has already been enough passed on as to how the deal is not a bed of roses all the way and has its gray areas by the kilometers. We know the nuclear power shall not be cheap, as we shall be buying technology and raw materials from the wealthy west. We know India's foreign policy shall be under the microscope of the international watchdogs and an atom bomb shall not be born in our arsenals, much to the glee of our pleasant, friendly neighbours.

However, my concern is none of the above real or imagined reasons. My motivation is a purely personal one at the moment where fear for my own skin is the inspiration behind the blog.

Think and project - are we, as a nation, as a people, capable of maintaining nuclear reactors? A nation where municipality taps miss maintenance, roads cave in, bridges fall, trains bang head-on, airforce planes crash and rocket launches fail. A nation where non-issues mar the real crux of the matter all the time, where corruption reigns, where criminal politicos run elections from jail, illiterate housewives rule states, below par candidates on reservation seats try to manage public offices. A nation that fairly bends double under the weighty threats of terror attacks from nearly all its neighbours.

Is such a nation capable of handling several nuclear reactors safely?

Pranab Mukherji mentioned that winning over the trust vote was the easier part of the deal. How right is he, albeit I am taking his words in another sense.

Most probably I am behaving like a gypsy gone crazy and perhaps tomorrow I shall laugh at this web log of mine. But meanwhile, pledge to be exta-careful, India, lest a Chernobyl happens here.


June Nandy Chaudhuri said...

Dame Deepti,

WHy a Chernobyl dear...the country can be shaken by series of crude bomb blasts simultaneously by the terrorists and yet our scoundrel politicians will talk and talk of votes and appeasements and Afzal will still not be hanged. One just has to be a MUSLIM to get a VVIP treatment in India.

This country sucks.

I hope Viv is okay.

viv said...

i am.... :)


The morning news affected deeply. I sure have no idea wats going on???

p.s. Viv, we are glad u r safe. :)

Manish said...

U surely have the right and grave concerns, dear. Maintenance and Operations are us Indians serious area of deficit. Infact the existing Hydel power stations also don't work at full efficiency. Time will better tell about the efficiency of upcoming N-power stations.
I have worked in shipping PSU, we all have done lots of travel in our desi Air India/Indian; i derive my opinion on our future N-power stations from the maintenace and efficiency from these machineries. We have a Bhopal Tragedy in our history, and we definitely need to be concern about another Chernobyl from happening in India.