Thursday 8 May, 2008

Double Entendres

Why am I blogging about Double Entendres? Because of 3 reasons -
1. I am semi-non-pachydermatous
2. I am a female
3. I am living in a sex-crazed male world

Now don't you go about getting the wrong idea about me. Being an Evolutionary Biology enthusiast, I am a Life Sciences graduate and post-graduate. I know the importance of what bees and birds do. I am, in addition, quite a no-nonsense, non-squeamish, academic discusser of that three-letter-word-which-should-not-be-pronouned. I know that makes the world tick and while I do not go about cracking the ashleel, maansaahaari category of jokes, I do laugh at some of the more decent ones amongst them.

Besides, the mood of this blog is not angry or irritated. Actually three unintentionally rhyming words shall describe my current state of mind well - Bemused (33%), Amused (40%) and Confused [100-(33+40)% calculate for yourself if you are that enthu. We biologists pride ourselves on not knowing much of maths].

So that sets the preliminaries right. Now for a little bit of history.

I recall that as rather raw, green-behind-the-ears 18 year old, I used to go to the Symbi mess to have my dinner with my elder flatmates and their elder guy friends. The express instruction to me and to two others like me was this - 'If possible keep shut before the guys. And if you do open your trap and utter something you are not to utter, you are to shut right back up immediately after I give you the hint to do so.' This instruction had come our way after one or two bewildering (to us) situations when something innocent said by me or the others had got the guys in our group either wreathed with mischievous grins or with devilish glints that said not in words but action - 'Oh Yeah? And then....?'

I guess the male of the species and many of the females reading this blog shall know what I mean. The most innocent sounding words somehow get twisted into having sexual connotations without any apparent rhyme or reason! Why o why? The other day my friend raised this topic, and we got to enlisting a number of these mis-meant strings of letters. I was baffled by the sheer number of words that I came across! Nearly every third or fourth word we speak in our daily lives is not always what it was meant to be. In fact, it was her suggestion that this topic may just be worth blogging about. Abhilasha here goes your suggestion converted into action.

But thing is, I am myself a little unsure what the exact purpose of this blog is. Is it because I wish to bring to the notice of the orthodox literary world that look what's happening to your dictionary? Do I wish to share with other females my feeling of embarrassment covered beneath a veneer of 'Oh-okay-it-happens' when it does happen? Do I wish to rebuke the male species to mind their language interpretation skills?

Don't know yaar! I am, just as I mentioned above, Bemused, Amused and Confused. In that order. And did you calculate the %age of confusion in the blog and in me? And did I use any words here that have unintentional double entendres? Wonder!


chirag sharma said...

Very well brought out topic Deepti.Well it’s a problem being faced by many gals these days. The situation becomes more embarrassing when you have some gals in your group,who are ready to extract a cheap humor out of those interpretations. Usually Guys enjoy such situations because it’s a win-win for them except for the cases where they feel that a particular Girl is too pious to be kept out of this shit.
Most of the times when the Gals and Guys come closer, the subconscious aim is the transform that 3 letter word from vocal to practical. I can’t say about the Gals but for most of the guys(including me) this aim is very clear. Now,this Juggling of words and phrases proves quite handy to judge the Gals about their interests and their promiscuity.Morover it also provides a smooth transition to develop such interest in the Gals.
Now days, I am witnessing a new trend among the males,that,they try to become frank with their younger female cousins.This is being promoted by some parents in the name of forwardness,cult etc.I have keenly observed these conversations and I have serious doubts about the morality of such relationships.
In the last the Male cousin has nothin to loose.
The Girls are regarded as too innocent and pious by our society and they definitely are as compared to the Guys in their initial growing up stages. Thus we Guys do some sugarcoating on all our advances.

Gulgula said...

Some girls make fun about me :) It may be more male-dominant in India, but it certainly is different in the rest of the world.

I'd suggest, move on. Brain has a few limited number of cycles and you can choose where to waste it.

Gulgula said...

Explain this word, which google fails to explain.


hahaha...sorry to say that i experiment freely with the english words and phrases (nearly as freely as the males i wrote about above) and you may not find many relevant meanings if you google them.

pachy = thick
derm = skin

pachydermatous is an adjective applied to rhinoceros and their ilk.

semi-non-pachydermatous = a nearly but not quite thin-skinned person.

sincerely hope tht helped!

Gulgula said...

Indeed it helps :-) Aapka explanation sir aankhon par.

Manish said...

women can't avoid falling prey, 'coz men see the 3-letter thing everywhere in their late teens. i guess i wud see 50hrs in a it's only 20! gash! 4 hours for national and social affairs.
every word, gesture, move, it's all read like that. smile meins "fansi". movement of hand, any eye cornor glimpse,capping of mouth,--it's all "fun".my co-ed gal, a sincere and decent one, unknowingly hit are fist to other hand's palm.( 'bang'). Next day the suppressed leg-pulling by boys made her cry.I was aware she had picked that from her elder brother.
"semi-non-pachydermatous" is the key to female's existence in India, for sure. And being "-non-" is important else boys think of girls to be easy.
that girl also became semi-non=p#@ , and learnt to enjoy our sleazy jokes like decent girls do.:-)


candid, manu. comprehensive, too.