Monday 28 January, 2008

10 Bollywood clichés

  1. Cars/bikes parked on the roadside conveniently have the ignition key in the right place for the hero to use

  2. Horses are meant for 2 purposes only – a) to be headstrong and be tamed by the hero after threatening to overthrow the heroine b) to come home wounded, as a loyal messenger that danger/death has befallen the hero’s brethren

  3. Heroines shall wear short dresses during the happy hours; come tragedy and salwar kameez becomes the dress code

  4. Unsuitable girlfriends (whom the hero eventually discards for the heroine) always wish to become models/film actresses

  5. Daughters undergo a surprisingly swift turn-around of emotions soon as their daddys’ villainy is established

  6. Heroines are extraordinarily fertile – often merely one night stands lead to pregnancy

  7. Even the poorest hero’s mom shall offer lovely leaf tea to the rich heroine’s dad in a proper china tea set

  8. College Principals are invariably buffoons of the first or second order

  9. Rape victims wear dresses with easily detachable sleeves

  10. Successful suicides – hanging. Unsuccessful suicides – the kerosene-on-body-in-the-kitchen act and the breaking-wine-bottles-on-wrists act


Anonymous said...

keep em coming.. typical no sips stuff..

Ashwini said...

hey! been reading ur blogs for quite some time, after being recommended by Ruchika.
cool stuff!


Thanx :)

Gulgula said...

You forgot the "accelerator pressing" in the event of "brake failure" to avoid (actually cause) an accident.

Anyone who drives knows that turning off the engine will solve the problem in 100 meters :-). Except when downhill.