Friday 27 July, 2007

Scientist meets the Child

Child - What is Science?

Scientist - Science is Logic.

Child - What is Logic?

Scientist - Logic is reason.

Child - What is Reason?

Scientist - Reason is the answer to the question Why.

Child - What is Why?

Scientist - Why is the most important question of life.

Child - What is Life?

Scientist - The attempt to answer Why.

Child - Does that mean Life is all about asking Why? That is what I always do.

Scientist - That means you are me, or I am you - for that is exactly what I always do too!


viv said...

was reading wings of fire.. this made me think of APJ Abdul kalam..

sad he'll no more be there in R bahwan..


ah yes...APJ is a grt scientist...pity is even he could not do much to improve the condition of science in india...

viv said...

i do not like ppl cribbing... its like looking at half full or empty glass.. look where we stand with in 60 years of independence... not many countries could achieve that..

there's nothing to pity.. we have done well as a nation.. so far.. and are improving at a fast fast pace.. we should be proud of it.. if anything..


you mean to say we dont need to improve as scientists?!

i am sure all you wish to convey is a postive attitude...thats fine...but we have miles to go buddy..miles...!

viv said...

yes there is a lot to be done.. and it has to be done with urgency...

what i want to come out is that we have progressed against all odds at a nice pace.. more so i last couple of decades. And we should be proud of it. ppl are coming to invest, and to do business.. no MNC is global till it has operations is india.. we are among few nations having space, nuclear capabilities.. I am not about being positive or nething.. just about appreciating what we have done as a nation.. and be proud of it.. while recoganising the fact that a lot still needs to be done..


yes...that is true enough...we need to continue the momentum, the impetus...